Parent Support group

Location: New York

I am a mom to three beautiful boys, two of which have Autism. I have the greatest husband and the greatest friends. You could say I have the perfect life because I live in a wonderful place!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Plans for December meeting have been made

The plans for our December meeting have been made. I wanted to let you know that we will all have the chance to purchase some great toys for the upcoming Christmas. These toys are directly related to Autism and many different 'therapy' uses.
But, whether you are interested in purchasing anything or not, there will be some great information on how to play with our kids as well as surviving the hectic holiday season. This is a rough time for everyone, especially those who have special needs!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

December's Snack~FYI~

Gabriela is bringing the snack for December's meeting. Vicki and I will be providing the drinks.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Update on Dec.'s meeting

All right, December's meeting is a go. I have a lady coming from Discovery Toys. Not only are the toys great, but the actually have a flier specifically towards Autism. She should have some great information on how to get your little one to play with you as oppossed to beside you. However, it might be a half hour longer. Let me know if that is okay with you all. Anyone who has to leave at 8 instead of 8:30,that is fine.
Also, if there is anyone who wants to brind snack this day, contact me. Last month it was cheese and crackers and muffins. But, anything is fine. Vivki is bringing tea and I will bring coffee.
Remember, the time for this month will be 7-8:30 since we have a lot of information to conver. If you have any questions or concers, contact myself or Vicki Sackett!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

December's meeting

December meeting will be on December 6th at 7 p.m. It will be located at the Presbyterian Church in Sodus, same room. Anyone who needs directions, please contact me. The topic of this meeting will be play. I think I have a good idea on how to teach us to play and have fun and learn in the process. I also hope to find some good information on surviving the holidays. Please, if any of you have information on playing with our children and/or the holidays, bring it with you to the meeting. I will post any and all information as I get it. Please contact me with any questions and I can't wait to see you all in a month!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

November 1, 2006

My name is Erin Mast and I am the co-founder of the Wayne County Parent Support Group. We are a support group for parents of children with disabilities. Our very first organizational meeting was tonight and there were 5 parents and five children in attendance. I am very excited to get the group going and am pleased with the meeting tonight. I thought doing a blog might give us an opprotunity to be heard by each other and also by other's who might have some interest. I will post more information reguarding next month's meeting. If any of you have any questions or comments, please share. We can only fix what we know is a problem. Thanks for a great first meeting and I will keep everyone updated as there is new information to share.