Location: New York

I am a mom to three beautiful boys, two of which have Autism. I have the greatest husband and the greatest friends. You could say I have the perfect life because I live in a wonderful place!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

April meeting

April's meeting has come and gone and it was great. We had the usual turn out but recieved a lot of useful information. The Advocacy Center from Rochester came and did a presentation on building your advocacy notebook. What a great presentation! I reccommend any of you that has the ability to attend it. I am sure that the notebook will come in handy at all of the upcoming CSE and CPSE meetings. Let me know if you are interested and I can show you mine and also give you the contact information of some people that can help you out. Thanks for all who attended and I will see you nect month!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Erin.
Actually my BOCES educational settings information was presented at the February 2007 meeting alongside Maureen Dunnings'. Please add to past topics for February 2007.
Warmly! Nancy.

1:12 PM  

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