Location: New York

I am a mom to three beautiful boys, two of which have Autism. I have the greatest husband and the greatest friends. You could say I have the perfect life because I live in a wonderful place!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

February update...

I just want to let everyone know that I have two possible contacts that have a lot of information on home schooling. I am going to see if at least one of them can come and share with us at the meeting. I will let you know as soon as I have any certain plans.
Also, Kelly, is providing snack, Nancy is bringing tea and I will be bringing coffee. Cassandra will be in the nursery again.
I also wanted to let all of you know that I have been thinking about doing something nice for Cassandra as she is donating her time. Let me know if you have any ideas; otherwise, I am thinking maybe a gift certificate. Let me know your ideas and anything that you would want to donate towards that, let me know! Thanks everyone!


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