Location: New York

I am a mom to three beautiful boys, two of which have Autism. I have the greatest husband and the greatest friends. You could say I have the perfect life because I live in a wonderful place!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

January Meeting has come and gone!

Well, here it is. January of a new year. I am sure that this new year will bring us all a lot of great information. With that, we all know that will bring some diversity. January was a nice meeting. We discussed some issues about dealing with other children who treat our kids differently. We also discussed when and how much to tell our kids and their siblings. Some books and movies were discussed as well. We did not come up with a decision about next months meeting. If there is any topic in particular that you want to discuss, please let me know. We want to talk about what you want to talk about.

On another note, Vicki will not be at our next few meetings as she is now sharing her knowledge by teaching a college course. We will certainly miss her but I know that she will continue to lend us her thoughts on any topic that we discuss.

I also would love to have a volunteer for snack next month. Please, contact me if you have any interest. Thanks everyone and enjoy this 'odd' weather!


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