Parent Support group

Location: New York

I am a mom to three beautiful boys, two of which have Autism. I have the greatest husband and the greatest friends. You could say I have the perfect life because I live in a wonderful place!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Wayne County Star article

Sodus Fundraiser Held to Raise Money for Autism
Eric Marlowe Wayuga Staff WriterWednesday, April 25 2007
SODUS—For the second year a fundraiser will be held to raise money for autism research and to heighten awareness of the disability.The fundraiser includes a bake sale and craft sale as well as family-oriented activities. There will also be raffle items.The sale begins on May 5 at 9 a.m. at Dynalec in Sodus and will continue until all the goods are sold.Organizer Erin Mast said the fundraiser has grown since its first year. “We had a bake sale last year but this year it will be much bigger.”Last year’s bake sale raised about $200.She started the fundraiser for families in Wayne County who are affected by autism including her own. Mast has three children two of whom were diagnosed with autism only weeks after they moved to Sodus from Maryland in August of 2005.“There’s not a lot of funding or research for these kids,” Mast said. “We have to do more as a society to help these kids.”Having two children with autism makes it difficult to conduct daily activities such as grocery shopping. The children must also attend occupational, speech, play and music therapy among other therapy. They attend formal therapy five days a week as well as informal therapy on the weekends. “It’s very tedious,” she said.Autism is a disability with no definite cause, treatment or cure. Mast hopes that if she can make people more aware of autism it will cause them to support local families affected by the disability.The money raised by the sale will help a number of different organizations including Autism Speaks and Out of the Rain. Mast is also hoping to start a non-profit autism program in Wayne County. Part of the money raised will help pay legal fees needed to start the new program.“There are numerous non profit organizations that raise money for research but few who actually aid families. My goal is to start a non-profit organization that could assist families that are affected by autism. When things are needed but can’t be afforded, our organization might be of some assistance. Autism can be time consuming and expensive. I just want there to be a place for parents to turn to for help.”Mast said the fundraiser would do more than just raise money. “It will raise awareness. We want to help families affected by autism but also make the general population aware of the disability.“My main goal is to make people understand,” she said. “People might see a child misbehaving in public but it might not be because they’re bad. They may have autism. My goal is to raise awareness and acceptance of the disability.”Flyers will be distributed during the fundraiser that will include information on the disability and statistics. The community has been supportive in helping make the fundraiser possible, according to Mast. “We live in a wonderful place,” she said. “We’ve had local merchants donate items for the raffle. Dynalec has donated their space for the fundraiser and local churches have also donated tables for us to use.”Mast and her friend Vicki Sackett have also recently started a support group for families dealing with autism. The Sodus Presbyterian Church has allowed the group to use its space to hold meetings. “We are a support system of parents with special needs children,” Mast said. “We meet every first Wednesday of the month from 7- 8 p.m. We have a small group of parents that attend every month.”Baked goods, raffle items and homemade crafts are still needed for the May 5 fundraiser. To donate items, contact Mast at 878-2202.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


I am so excited to tell you all that the cookbook is being shipped out tomorrow. I will have them by Wed. or Thur. next week! I think they turned out great! There are 177 recipes in them but even better than that is that there are 7 beautiful kids on the pages, all of whom live with Autism. The proceeds are going towards Autism. The cost will be $10 and $5 to ship, no matter how many you purchase. These will make great gifts for those people who have everything! Thanks again to all of you who contributed recipes! Without you, this would never have been possible!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Autism fundraiser

The fundraiser is certainly falling into place. It is on May 5th starting at nine in the morning. We will be there all day long. We will be at Dynalec in Sodus. There will be a bake sale and a craft sale as well as a clown and Star Wars characters. So many people are offering to bake and I think that it will be a great turnout. It will be printed in all the local papers. It is also located on a Star Wars webpage as well as the 92.3 WBEE webpage. They will also be mentioning it on the radio as the date gets closer. Exciting! I am sure that it will be a success!

May meeting

April meeting has come and gone. May has already been set up. It will be on the first Wednesday as usual and will be from 7-8, same time, same place. We will have a presenter from Wayne ARC with information on what is out there for us parents. Respite and such, I believe! Anyway, this can also be an FET if you need that. Contact me if you have questions or if you need to have medicaid billed. Nancy has offered to bring snack this month as well.

April meeting

April's meeting has come and gone and it was great. We had the usual turn out but recieved a lot of useful information. The Advocacy Center from Rochester came and did a presentation on building your advocacy notebook. What a great presentation! I reccommend any of you that has the ability to attend it. I am sure that the notebook will come in handy at all of the upcoming CSE and CPSE meetings. Let me know if you are interested and I can show you mine and also give you the contact information of some people that can help you out. Thanks for all who attended and I will see you nect month!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Update on my fundraiser!

I just heard from Rosco the Clown. He is going to attend the fundraiser on May 5th doing balloon animals for the kids. What a great guy! We will be able to put up a box for donations for the balloon animals and maybe make a little more towards our fundraiser! I will post any new details as I get them as well as the times when he will be here!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Save the date...Saturday, May 5th!

Finally! We have a date. I am putting together an Autism fundraiser. It will be on Saturday, May 5th at Dynalec in Sodus. It will consist of a bake sale as well as a craft sale. If you have a craft that you would like to make a donate, that would be great. Also, anyone who is willing to bake and donate some goodies, that would be great too! Please contact me and I will keep everyone updated!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Autism awareness items

I have finally gotten the Autism awareness fleece. I am currently making scarves and baby taggys for $10. I am making pillows for $15 and blankets for $20. If you are intersted in any of these, please contact me either on here or at my email and I can tell you how to make payment. As always all proceeds are going towards Autism!!!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Thanks for another great meeting!

I cannot believe that February has come and gone. We just had our March meeting already. It was nice this month. Very informal. We discussed service coordinators and school issues. Next month is going to be the Advocacy Center with their presentation on Building your advocacy notebook. Right now we are playing phone tag. It will be a longer meeting as they need a little more time. So, the meeting for April will run from 6-8. I will keep you all updated with the information as I get it.
Also, for those of you who are affected by Autism...April is Autism awareness month and I am trying to set up a fundraiser for our annual Autism walk. If you have any ideas, let me know. We have already discussed a bake sale, the Autism cookbook plus I am making some crafts with some Autism awareness fleece. If you have any crafts that you could make and donate that would be great. Also, let me know if you are willing to bake some baked goods and donate those. We will also be in need for people who are willing to work at the fundraiser. Just a few things to keep in mind. The fundraiser will fall either the end of April or the beginning of April depending on the print date of the cookbook and the weather.